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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Costa Mesa Soccer (AYSO Region 120)

AYSO Resources For Coaches

The AYSO National Coaching Program provides age specific Coach Manuals that will be your “survival guide” throughout the season. Be sure and review the Coach Manual for your age group prior to attending the certification class.

Lineup Cards

Game lineup cards are required for ALL matches. Coaches MUST bring AYSO Generated, Pre-Printed lineup cards to every match. HAND WRITTEN lineup cards will NOT be accepted.

How to Print your Game Lineup Cards (and entering jersey numbers)

1. Navigate to your Regions website (for example,
2. Log into your Regional Account.
3. Hover over "TEAM CENTRAL" on the menu bar above scrolling window.
4. When the menu drops down, click on the words "TEAM DIRECTORY".
5. Set "Program" (center column) to the appropriate value (e.g. "Fall Season"), then select the desired "Division".
6. Click on "Team Home" for your team.

Team Coach can go to:
Team Page >> Roster >> Print Team Line Up

1. Before printing the lineup card, please update your roster with each players jersey #s.
2. Go to "Edit Roster" and enter the jersey number in "No." box and "Order" box.
3. Scroll down and click "Update".
4. The lineup card can now be printed with jersey numbers.

Know The Laws Of The Game

Understanding the Laws of the Game and modifications for AYSO, helps Coaches, Referees, Volunteers and Parents avoid misunderstandings over the game and work together as the AYSO Team for providing the players with a Safe, Fair, Fun AYSO experience.

 LAW 1: The Field of Play LAW 10: Determining the Outcome of a Match
 LAW 2: The Ball Law 11: Offside
 LAW 3: The Players LAW 12: Fouls and Misconduct
 LAW 4: The Players' Equipment LAW 13: Free Kicks
 LAW 5: The Referee LAW 14: The Penalty Kicks
 LAW 6: Other Match Officials LAW 15: The Throw-In
 LAW 7: The Duration of the Match LAW 16: The Goal Kick
 LAW 8: The Start and Restart of Play LAW 17: The Corner Kick
 LAW 9: The Ball In and Out of Play

The Laws of the Game is available online at in a new tab) or in the free IFAB phone app.
Coaches and Referees should have and be familiar with:
IFAB Laws of the Game(opens in a new tab)
AYSO’s National Rules & Regulations(opens in a new tab) and 
AYSO's Referee Guideline(opens in a new tab) (AYSOU Resource Library).

Team Communication

Social platform allow coaches, parents and players to easily organize and communicate in one place.


Game Changer
Stack Team


Field/park conditions will be updated on weekdays (Monday - Friday) by 2:30pm and 7:30am on weekends (Saturday, Sunday). 

City fields/parks include:

Jack Hammett Sports Complex, Fairview Developmental Center Fields, TeWinkle Sports Complex baseball and softball fields, Davis Field in Lions Park, Bark Park, Skate Park and more...

Here are some ways to access the field/park conditions:

  • Voicemail - Costa Mesa Mudline (714) 754-5041
  • Free Text/Email Notification* - To subscribe to the RainedOut notification software, please use the following options:
    • Soccer/Utility Fields - text 'cmutilityfields' to 844-83
    • Click here to subscribe online

For Mudline questions, please call (714) 754-5300

For more information, click here.

Additional Resources

AYSO Philosophies:
Balanced Teams * Everyone Plays * Good Sportsmanship * Player Development * Open Registration * Positive Coaching

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO R120 Costa Mesa

AYSO 120, PO Box 12065
Costa Mesa, California 92627

Email Us: [email protected]
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